Onehunga High School


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Fees / Costs

Costs for Materials, Activities and ID Cards at Onehunga High School

Onehunga High School has opted into the School Donations Scheme. By opting into the scheme, our Board has agreed that we will not ask for what has traditionally been known as the “school donation”. This amount has previously been used to augment some of the extra opportunities that we all have come to expect to be provided for a quality education. Our prospectus (published early last year, prior to the School Donations Scheme) states:

School Donation

This covers part of the cost of sports equipment, library books, co-curricular activities and many school publications. It may be used for any purpose (including capital expenditure) that the Board may from time to time consider desirable in the interests of students.

By opting into the School Donations Scheme, the Board rescinds this statement. You will not be asked for such a donation in 2023.

With the School Donations Scheme, come new guidelines. A key clarification in these guidelines is that families can be asked for a donation to cover the costs of overnight curriculum trips, rather than being asked to pay a services charge. If families do not donate, students are still entitled to participate in these trips. This brings with it uncertainty for us all in terms of budgeting; we appreciate your support in any way you are able. Of course, donations are tax deductible, whereas goods and services charges are not. For further information, the Ministry of Education has written a summary for whanau

Course Material costs are charged in courses where students make items that they take home e.g. Woodwork. Details are included in the Academic Programme and will be included in financial statements.

We encourage students to participate in Optional Activities including sports and sports tournaments. If students choose to participate, the cost of the activity must be paid. Sports costs include affiliation entry fees and can include equipment and ground hire. Tournaments of any kind incur entry costs, as well as the costs of transport, accommodation and/or food.

Student ID Cards are used to access a variety of discounts, in particular on public transport. These are free if students use the digital form, which we recommend. Otherwise, ID cards cost $11.00.

 If you have further questions about costs, please contact Vicki Baker, Finance Support Manager on 096366006 extension 8021 or email [email protected]